Listing Agent

Love, love, love making lists! Yes. There is a dorky pocket-protector type in me just waiting to bust out with a very fine point Uni-ball pen and Moleskine notebook.  Strike that. Leuchtturm 1917 notebook that my friend just share with me is perfect for making lists. Specific lists. A Bullet Journal.

I took great humor in the fact that today is about list-making, considering I’m trying a Bullet Journal this month. Never heard of it? I hadn’t either until a couple of months ago. In essence, you make a notebook of lists.  You list your days, movies you want to watch, goals for the year, and everything in between.

Some people get super fancy and try different colored pens and doodles to make their journal pop off the page. Other use simple black with a key of symbols to guide them along. There is an Index or Table of Contents in the front of the notebook and that guides you to various lists in a moment’s glance. For those of us who seem to always have an idea, a place to write something down before we forget it, this is a perfect solution.  Because you can make a list for anything you really want.

If you want to find out how to set up a bullet journal, you can look right here.

So here’s a sample of my Bullet Journal from one of the (too many at this point) pages.  The bullets are short. Anything that I put in parentheses here on this blog is added for your explanation.

Fun with Kids

Frankenmuth, Michigan (Don’t hate on the state up North being first, this town has Christmas all year round.  Including a hotel that looks like you’re staying in Vienna and a fudge-making shop. Oh yeah, a big outlet mall too.)

Slate Run Historical Park (a living farm that takes you back to a different time. Don’t know if they’ll have baked squab like Colonial Williamsburg, but hey—it’s supposed to be a kid favorite.)

Blooms & Butterflies (Franklin Park Conservatory and I can’t believe we haven’t been yet. It’s been on the list every year for the last four years and we haven’t made it. It’s like the spring and early summer slip away.)

Saturdays at CML (Columbus Metropolitan Library has great story times but the ones down at the main branch. When it opens up after the renovation, the children’s area will be amazing.)

CMA Sundays (Columbus Museum of Art at last check has free admission on Sundays and the Wonder Room is always an adventure.)

Columbus Zoo (Needs no explanation if you live in Central Ohio. If you’re outside of here, all you need to visual it is this fact: It’s the zoo that Jack built. Hanna.)

Zoombezi Bay (the legitimate water park nestled next to the Zoo. Nestled makes it seem small, so I instead should say sprawling next to the Zoo.)

Shazzbots (The Beatles meet the B-52s for kids. They rock out concerts all summer long.)

Play Cafes (We’re up to about 6 or more in Columbus. Great for a rainy day, great for a not-rainy-day when Mom needs a little break and the kids just wanna have fun.)

Recreation Unlimited (You can buy a $10,000 slide. Or your kids can just slide down it for a day rate.)

Yellow Springs (A hop, skip, and a short drive away from Columbus. Young’s Dairy, a sweet little downtown that takes you back into time a bit, and streets that remind you of the town your grandmother lives in.)

Get Air Trampoline Park (New place in Hilliard. Kids jump and the rest of us hold our bladders.)