Free Writing Technique HERE

Before you think I’ve gone an lost my spell-checking mind, let me share what today is about straight from The Challenge:

“Free-writing is writing without worrying about editing or punctuation or anything else that would keep you from, well, actually writing.  The idea is to get the words down as quickly as possible and work on polishing the prose later.”

Here we go…

It’s hard to catch my breath some mornings, the mornings I choose to get up and actually do the jumping jacks and the mountain climbers and everything else listed in the quick firing app that my phone plays quietly in the basement room we reserve for toys, work, and workouts. I glug, glug, glug down most of my first 32 ounces of water while I’m waiting to get the real elixir of the morning brewed– the coffee.  But these days it’s been coffee every other day which is kind of like sacrilege to my early morning world that I worshipped for so long.  There’s been a lot of cinnamon tea that has about 40-60 milligrams of caffeine, but that’s only when you drink a couple of cups.

I love how the world is still quiet during this time of day.  If I walked into the boys’ room they would be still will peaceful smiles hanging on their lips or maybe even a mouth or two hanging open still in deep sleep or at least the last of it.  Instead I choose to sit here and hammer out my 500 words for the day and really take in that hot cup of joe that I just filled with a little sugar and some Salted Caramel Creamer. On my bedside table it’s sitting next to a plastic cup that my youngest decided to leave there after Movie Night last night and that cup is a reminder of college days and the Shakespeare’s Pizza we couldn’t get enough of when family and friends came to visit especially.  Sometimes it was too expensive for everyday college tastes.  I just introduced my Texas-born and bred husband to it last Fall and he fell in love with it too.

Annoyance over an app that keeps crashing is almost at a minimal now.  That’s the first thing that happened when I got up.  I think it’s beautifully put together and helps me focus, but the creators need to talk to the designers because it’s failing a lot of people right now.  Just checked the reviews and I’m not the only one who can’t log into it.

Excited because I get to spend my morning with women who are passionate about business and a few that have been very successful at going out on their own.  The Business First Mentoring Monday Breakfast is going to teach us how to make money, how to spend it, and how to save it.  This applies to our business endeavors only and I get to moderate the panel with some pretty fly ladies.  Later today I’ll deliver a few pounds of jewelry to a local nursing home and I’m so ready to see the look on their faces.  It won’t look like a heavy load at the time, at some point I’ll be separating it into little mesh baggies that I’ll find after I get mentored along with a couple hundred other ladies at the downtown Westin.

The week is just beginning.  So much potential. And so much to write about.  There, I did that in less than 10 minutes. Happy Monday  😉